November 2019

Best stategies to lose weight and be fit

Von |2020-08-10T04:02:42+02:00November 27th, 2019|athlete, Health, nutrition, Personal Trainer Gastown, Personal Trainer Kitsilano, Strategy|

If you want a healthy and slim body, you need to understand why you want it. If it’s for other people, it won’t work. You need to do this for you. Do this to be you, to be more comfortable, and to be healthy. Your reason for weight loss will have to motivate you sincerely.

Functional Training and Fitness

Von |2020-08-10T04:07:26+02:00November 27th, 2019|Athletic, Condition, Health, Personal Trainer Downtown, personal trainer kerrsidale, Personal Trainer Vancouver, Personal Trainer West Vancouver, Personal Trainer Yaletown, Personal Training Vancouver, strength|

At the heart of functional training is the understanding that our bodies are designed to move. If we have spent many years of our lives sitting, or if we have only tended to use particular muscles while ignoring others, we may not even realize how good it can feel to have well-balanced fitness.

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