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Partner | Links

Von |2024-06-29T03:22:39+02:00Januar 10th, 2018|

      Dr. Romina Taheri Traditional Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture / Healing   Breaking Taboo Nonprofit for Mental Health   RPC World ROYAL PRIVATE COACH / World / All Places   RPC Vancouver  ROYAL [...]

Yoga and pilates strengthen body and soul

Von |2020-05-19T21:19:33+02:00September 22nd, 2017|Balance, Pilates, Yoga|

Yoga and Pilates, despite all the differences, have some similarities that make a combination of the two workouts very interesting. The conscious breathing plays a decisive role here. In the practice of both forms of movement, great emphasis is placed on breathing, which is in tune with the movements performed and supports the activity of the muscles.....

Impress / Terms

Von |2024-03-06T23:17:50+01:00September 5th, 2017|

  Royal Private Coach Jürgen Kieweg (Founder / Managing Director) email.   Canada / North America Corporate Registry Number: FM0772693 National Business Number: 70217 7510 BC0001 GST Number: 70217 7510 RT0001   Germany Tax Nr.: [...]

The right timing in training – How often should you exercise?

Von |2018-12-11T23:29:27+01:00Juli 18th, 2016|Strategy, Timing|

Once you've decided to do some exercises to increase your performance and build muscle, then the question of timing arises. How often and when is strength training the most effective? First and foremost, it is important to note that a training plan only makes sense if it is put into action.

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